Thursday, January 25, 2018

WORD Term Programme donation

Each term, the WORD term programme sells out quick smart (and for very good reasons).  That's 180 budding MTBers out on the trails each week, across the Wellington region.  Venues include Makara Peak, Mt Victoria, Wainui, and, for the first time, Porirua.

Ashley Peters and WORD have kindly donated a spot in the (almost sold out) Term One programme due to start on 12 February.  We will be selecting a worthy winner of a place in the programme that best suits the recipient (location and day of the week).

To apply, leave a comment in reply to my recent blog about my own mental health, and WORD's role in my family's life.  Tell us something about what resonates with you in that blog, or how the work of the Mental Health Foundation has particular relevance to you.  If you make the comment anonymously, please send an email to so I know who you are.

I have a fundraising target of $195 for the place on the programme, which is the usual price to get someone onto WORD.

Aside from the guaranteed spot, I would love it if this cost was partially or wholly crowd-funded.  If you're not an aspiring WORD parent, but would like to donate towards this target, please mention WORD in your comment at the donation portal.  If we crack the $200 mark in this way, the place will be free for the recipient family.

For every $100 over the $200 target, I'll personally contribute $25 towards getting another runner up onto a WORD programme this year, and see if I can convince Ash to put them at the front of the next queue.

We'll make the selection on Friday 2 February.

Thanks to WORD for their generosity.

* * * * *

This blog describes a fundraising project for the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
  • Nearly 50% of New Zealanders will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime, and one in five will have experienced a mental illness this year.
  • Depression is set to overcome heart disease as the biggest global health burden by 2020.
  • The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) is a charity that works towards reducing stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness. We provide free support, training, and resources for anyone who is going through a difficult time, or for people who are supporting loved ones.
To make a donation, visit  Any contribution, big or small is greatly appreciated, and will be put to good use by the fine folk at MHF.

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